Homemade flour tortillas without lard

Can you see the tortillas up there look like teddy bear?

Years ago, when I told my neighbour that I was going to have fajita for dinner and when she saw the store bought flour tortilla wraps I had, she said they are much nicer to make them yourselves. She makes the individual tortilla doughs, wrapped and keep them in the freezer, so her daughter can prepare lunch or dinner herself. All you need to do is to take the doughs out from freezer in the morning and let them defrost to room temp by the time you come home for lunch.

I never attempted to try to make flour tortillas myself until after 5 years, I am finally tempted to try out today And they turned out great. I made piadina once, but they were too hard. These two weeks, I am addicted to playing with flour and they all worked successfully, I made dumplings (gyoza), chinese spring onion pancakes and now flour tortillas.

I saw most flour tortillas call for lard or shortenings but this is absolutely a no no for me, I saw recipes with 2 cups, 3 cups of flour but I found 4 cups seems the best quantity as you can have 12 tortillas and if too little, I can’t really make use of my kitchenaid. With kitchenaid, it of course make the whole process faster.

The boys in the house were all very happy with the freshly homemade tortillas, so it’s worth the effort, even our youngest one, Marc ate 1.5 tortilla. I made one with nutella and shared with Marc this afternoon, he wanted more. And I was supposed to have just started to stop having carb after 6pm, but in the end I surrendered and had half tortilla with my chicken tortilla.

So from now on, I wonder if I would still buy the store bought ones. With a little planning, it should be manageable to have them homemade from now on, and stay away from the preservatives.

Flour tortilla 03
  • Ingredients
  • Directions